Code of Conduct

[This is work-in-progress and is undergoing review at the moment. When the Code of Conduct is updated / changed and approved by the board, the final version will replace this version.]

Code of Conduct

We believe that, in creating a team, we are doing more than just paddling together. We are working to build community by creating a space that is safe for all members to celebrate their shared passions. As such, we are committed to protecting that space through our Code of Conduct and Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Austin Outrigger Canoe Club will not tolerate any form of unacceptable behavior and / or harassment of its members, specifically in the form of gender, sexuality, relationship status, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion. Team members found to be engaging in unacceptable behavior / harassment may be expelled from the team without refund and / or banned from future membership.

Unacceptable behavior by team members :

  • Endangering the safety of yourself or others
  • Disrespecting team property and / or personal property of other team members
  • Being intoxicated or otherwise impaired at team events
  • Sustained disruption of team activities
  • Exhibiting poor sportsmanship, not respecting other teams or your team members
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Harassment of teammates or other participants. Harassment includes but is not limited to :
    • Making offensive verbal comments, creating a socially hostile environment, or preventing teammates from participating by drawing negative attention to gender, sexuality, relationship status, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion
    • Showing sexual images or conducting discussion about sexual topics
    • Intimidation, stalking, or following
    • Attention of a sexual nature without consent
    • The above list applies as well to digital communication and social media. Team members who harass through digital communication and/or social media are subject to the same disciplinary action.

This code of conduct applies to interactions with fellow teammates at all times, during both sporting and social events.
The code of conduct applies even when a team member attends non-Austin Outrigger Canoe Club events.

Discipline and Complaints Policy

  • Expectations of the discipline and complaints process :
    • Board members and / or coaches will maintain confidentiality where applicable.
    • The process will be completed in as timely a manner as possible.
    • The Austin OCC leadership is composed of volunteers using due diligence and best efforts. Our goal is to build a community by creating a space that is safe for all members.
    • While we strive for fairness, this is not a legal proceeding.
  • Level of intervention is decided on a case-by-case basis, using this general process :
    • A complaint is presented to an individual coach or Board member.
    • Individual coach or Board member attempts to resolve the situation.
    • If the individual coach or Board member is unable to resolve the issue, it shall be brought to the Board as soon as possible.
      • If the Board feels the situation warrants further investigation, it will appoint two members to investigate. These two members will reach a decision and report to the Board. Persons with conflict of interest shall be excluded from the decision-making process.
      • The Board may refer the issue to a third party for resolution, if the issue is deemed beyond the team’s resources.
      • Person(s) involved in the complaint may be temporarily suspended pending final outcome.
      • Decision will be communicated in writing to person(s) directly concerned.
      • Outcome will be recorded in the minutes of the next Board meeting, maintaining confidentiality where applicable.